Wanting to lose weight? Sciatica flaring up again? Shoulder bothering you? Recurring Migraines?
With a wide variety of skills learnt over 13 years I would be delighted to help you get back to the best version of yourself.
I feel it is about finding the right therapy for the issue at hand.
Therapies Available
Acupuncture for Weight Loss
It works by reducing sugar cravings and helping to stop overeating. This is done by inserting a tiny pin which remains in the ear, that inhibits cravings for sweet things. Unlike other forms of weight loss such as strict dieting, this treatment works by simply dialling down appetite for unhealthy food.
In most cases people have reported losing between 2-4lbs per week over an 8 week period.
Kinetic Chain Release
KCR is a series of carefully planned joint mobilisation and stretches. These are designed to bring about postural changes that can correct your body's balance issues and return you to your optimal state. Usually in just one session!
It is ideally suited to solving lower back and hip issues.
Acupuncture is a gentle and relaxing therapy yet quite powerful in its results. It is especially good at troublesome issues such as Sciatica and other Nerve related problems, Osteoarthritis and Plantar Fasciitis.
It can also be used to help lower stress levels and to stop smoking.
Neuromuscular Therapy
NMT focuses on effective treatment of pain and injuries with particular emphasis on myofascial trigger points. It uses various soft tissue manipulation techniques, such as:
Soft tissue Release, Strain Counter Strain, Positional Release, MET (Muscle Energy technique).
Sports Massage
Sports Massage Therapy is a style of massage that aids in the prevention and recovery of injuries. It should therefore be an integral part of a training or fitness program for all those involved in physical activity.
Cranial Sacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a hands-on therapy, where the touch is gentle, non-invasive and usually subtle. But do not be fooled! It is also a powerful therapy that affects the central nervous system to assist in improving function across the whole body.
Trigger Point Dry Needling
This Therapy is incredibly powerful. When sports massage is unable to break up adhesions or pinpoint the issue, this therapy will. It is a proven way to remove deep trigger point dysfunctions that a therapist’s hands cannot reach. It is also very effective in breaking up scar tissue.
"You can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first" — Norm Kelly
Find the Therapy that is right for you
After a consultation, we will have a discussion about the options available to treat your issue and proceed forward together.
Below are some examples of conditions I treat on a regular basis.